騰訊太空訊 據自然母親網站報導,即使你不是科幻愛好者,你也可能想像到未來人類在火星表面的生活狀況,目前,SpaceX公司創始人埃隆-馬斯克(Elon Musk)表示,2025年將實現人類登陸火星,2060年,火星居住的人類數量將達到百萬級,最終地球人類應當都移居至火星。


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據外電報導,市場研究機構趨勢科技公司(Trend Micro)日前發佈的一份報告顯示,在穀歌的應用商店Google Play裏,400多款App內隱藏了惡意代碼,這些藏有惡意代碼的應用可使感染手機變成監聽站,用戶敏感數據隨時都有外泄潛在風險。


daxiaozi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

With my father, his brother and their father having had late onset Alzheimer's I can't help but wonder if someday it will be my fate. This is what I have told my family.

If it is ever me with Alzheimer's disease please protect me. I don't want to be lost. I have a terrible fear of ever being lost. Keep me safe from those who would take advantage of my confusion. Keep me fed and clean and dry. That having been said...please don't try to keep me at home any longer than you can do it without taking a toll on your lives. If this is my fate let me be in a happy place in my mind where you are my babies and I will give you hugs and kisses even if I don't call you by name.

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